Bought this sweet handy tripod from Cathay Photo Peninsula Plaza at almost 2 years ago and it has really served its purpose well. It captures great moments at your requested angle without the hassle of asking help from passerby or experience shaky hands. Standing tallest at 25cm and weighing 800g, GorillaPod SLR is a truly a lightweight and portable camera accessories. There are many other brands for this type of tripod, some tagged at very low price. But this from Joby is able to satisfy my demands and still durable after all the trips we have went through together.
Able to be placed on almost any surface or object to snap a great group photo without leaving a sadist out. Fantastic for trips, especially love doves whom are desperate to take great couple pictures without a cameraman aka gooseberry tagging along.
Gallery: Taken with GorillaPod SLR